Project name:

Educational Programs

Project location:

Puerto Rico

AES Puerto Rico partners with academic institutions on the island to nurture a culture of STEM education at all grade levels, and contribute to the theoretical and practical training of new talents in the sector. 

Schools and students are invited to visit our facilities and meet with our people to learn about the energy solutions AES is delivering in Puerto Rico and around the world. Our people are committed to the island and share a passion to help responsibly transition its energy grid. AES is proud to have been pioneers in renewables in Puerto Rico and we continue to lead the way in providing safe, reliable, and affordable energy. 

When students meet with our people they learn about our 24 MW Illumina plant - Puerto Rico’s first grid scale solar facility and the second largest solar facility on the island today, AES batteries and the role energy storage plays in renewable integration, and the importance of having safe and reliable electricity on the grid. Safety is our first value at AES so it is important students of all ages understand the power generation process, electricity, environmental efficiency, and good environmental and safety practices. 


More than 4,000 beneficiaries since we began operations in 2002.


UPR Mayaguez, Instituto Tecnológico de Guayama, la Escuela Especializada en Ciencias, Matemáticas Genaro Cautiño Vázquez y Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico 

United Nations Sustainability Goal: 

4 - Quality Education

Learn more about programs and partnerships:

Tour de la Energía – Tour our energy complex and meet with our operators and leaders to see how our people work every day to deliver up to 25% of Puerto Rico's energy.

Energia Mágica - Workshops given to grade school children on electricity and safety, as well mentorship and participation in local science fairs.

Charlas Academicas - While energy is our business, our people come from diverse academic backgrounds and conduct presentations on energy, engineering, the power sector in Puerto Rico, the economic and commercial sector, financial planning, and safety in times of COVID-19.  

Carro Solar - AES Puerto Rico is a proud sponsor of the UPR Mayaguez solar car team. Innovation can look like many different things and it comes from entrepreneurs and innovators around us. At AES innovation is in our DNA. It fosters and supports our search for the greener, smarter energy solutions the world needs and we support students accelerating the future of energy.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, AES Puerto Rico has shifted from in-person meetings to virtual webinars and presentations. Please reach out to Sheila Garcia to coordinate a program today.